Nå Svenska mjölkföretagare

Reach the Swedish dairy industry

Husdjur provides a clear target group for you as an advertiser. A target group focused on milk production. Through the magazine, readers get tips and advice on how to run the business, but also suggestions on how to develop and make it more efficient with the help of technical equipment and innovative solutions.
As a milk producer, you have similar needs to all other farmers in terms of machinery for transport, pasture and fodder cultivation as well as equipment for feeding as well as advice, veterinary and insurance.

  • As a milk producer, the newspaper is an important source for keeping up to date.
  • 85% of readers tend to read all, or almost all, issues of Husdjur.
  • 78% read at least half of the content and 49% read at least three quarters.
  • The average rating for the newspaper is 83 on a scale from 0 to 100.

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